
Oracle Testing

Fusion Cloud or EBS, we give you testing solutions without the BS.

laptop and separate screen with users in the background

Make your Oracle software the best it can be

Cloud software means more updates to test – and it’s no exception for Oracle Fusion Cloud customers. Even if you’re an Oracle EBS customer and have no intention of upgrading any time soon, EBS is still releasing updates twice a year until 2033 – so there’s still going to be plenty of testing to do to keep your systems working as they should.

With Original Software at your side, you can be confident that testing is never going to get in the way of your business – whatever version of Oracle you’re using. 

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One place to capture/manage/automate all of your testing. All of your testing, one platform. Find out more

Whatever the future holds for your Oracle, we’re here. 

Broadly speaking, there are three types of Oracle users out there: those who have already made the leap (or started out with) Oracle Fusion Cloud; those who are using Oracle EBS but are planning to upgrade to Fusion Cloud; and those who are still very happy with EBS (and why wouldn’t you be? It’s great software and supported until 2033!) Whatever stage your Oracle journey is at, you can make testing easier and more effective with us.  

Testing in the cloud
  • Test end-to-end processes across any applications

    We support both manual and automated testing of end-to-end processes, regardless of application type and interface, and even if those processes span multiple applications.

  • Test your Oracle faster

    Oracle Fusion Cloud releases quarterly updates as well as monthly maintenance packs. Our solutions help you test new features and changes faster – especially when it comes to user acceptance testing – so you don’t drown in updates.

  • Enterprise-level management tools

    Testing software that thousands of users rely on requires serious management tools. Our solutions help you easily track all testing activity and issues raised, even if you have hundreds of testers on the job.

  • Testing tools for dummies

    Smart as our solutions are, we designed our testing tools to be used by people with zero testing or technical experience. We’re talking code-free test automation, unobtrusive manual testing, and point-and-click test management.

tops of modern tall buildings in sunset

Original Software’s tools gave us confidence that we accurately identified business scenarios that required testing and assigned these tasks to appropriate resources. We weren’t just testing changes. We were capturing business processes, taking ownership of those processes, and adding integrity to our knowledge of the business.


End-to-end across Oracle and any app

Your tech stack isn’t limited to just Oracle. That’s why our solutions are built to work across your Oracle ERP system and any integrated application. So when you need to test a process spanning across Oracle, web portal, green screen app or any other integrated system, whether cloud or on-premise, we can help.

Start with a demo
Web order
Cloud apps
Customer portal

Accelerate testing, migrate the best(ing) 

Our rhymes might not be perfect, but our testing solutions are perfect for anyone looking to move from EBS to Fusion Cloud. 

  • Capture every process that the upgrade affects 

    Ahead of the upgrade, you can quickly record all the business processes that will be affected by the upgrade, so you can be sure you cover everything once you start acceptance testing.

  • World-beating UAT 

    Ensure users can still do their jobs in Fusion Cloud with a UAT solution that improves control, test coverage, and handling of feedback.

  • Create briefing materials to smooth the transition

    The migration will be a big change for your business users. You can turn your test recordings into written or animated guides in seconds, rapidly creating materials to onboard users smoothly.

Viasat telecommunications dish

See how someone else has done it

Viasat was upgrading to EBS R12, and new that it needed comprehensive testing capabilities to meet both the needs of the business and the requirements of SOX legislation. Using Original Software, Viasat was able to automate large amounts of testing, and gained full control of all their testing, creating a framework that made the upgrade a success and set Viasat up for future testing. 

Follow in their footsteps

EBS+T(esting) = the BEST 

If you’re sticking with EBS, our solutions can help you keep on top of testing new updates and relationships with third-party integrations. 

  • Full regression testing as standard

    True regression testing which means you can automatically detect any changes made to your systems in an upgrade, meaning any time you update EBS, you can be confident you aren’t letting any bugs slip into production.

  • Test across EBS and other platforms seamlessly 

    We know you’re likely using other systems alongside EBS. Original Software can help you test processes that span multiple applications with ease, so you can keep leveraging those integrations.

  • Non-technical tools 

    Our tools are perfect for non-technical users, so whether you’re asking business users to document processes, or do acceptance testing after an update, you can enjoy consistent feedback and minimal queries from confused and frustrated users.

Oracle TESTING resources and support

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Your dream team of Oracle testing solutions

Process documentation

Blueprinting like you’ve never seen it before. Quickly and effortlessly map out every business process, just by watching what users do.

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Manual testing

Capture issues faster, increase visibility, and just make manual testing less of a pain for everyone in your organization.

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Test automation

Create scripts 4x faster, see bugs in production… never. Oh, and an ACTUAL code-free solution.

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User acceptance testing

Bad UAT can kill your business. Good UAT can deliver software 60% faster, with fewer errors, and save you thousands.

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Test management

Reduce Oracle post-deployment issues by as much as 94%, increase test efficiency by 125% in one year, improve happiness by 10,000%.

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Ready to talk testing?

We’re ready to show you how we can help reduce your business risk and test faster than ever.

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