Their Challenge
Continuous competitive improvements by implementing new efficiencies throughout the business. A lack of test and project management software was making test auditing and progress reporting difficult. Visibility, traceability, and efficiency of testing were key goals, while the main driver was the ‘1ERP4All’ project to centralize 15 countries on to a single S4/HANA environment.
The Solution
Having already rolled out S4/HANA to Greece, Titan’s next step is to incorporate other countries. Original Software understood their complex processes and provided a customized solution to meet their specific requirements.
The Journey
Titan are at the beginning of their journey and look forward to enhancing their visibility, traceability and efficiency of testing using the tools provided by Original Software. This could lead to Qualify being used as the Test Management Platform for all Enterprise IT Testing.
Why Original Software
Key criteria: Ease of use for users, integral support for SAP, a global support network and cost effectiveness!
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