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Test Automation

2 min read

by Jonathan Pearson on 12th November 2019

Looking to hike the Implementation Trail?

Meet the outdoor gear specialists and park rangers of test automation

I was lucky enough recently to spend a little time in Utah checking out various national parks and participating in some excellent hikes. Some of these were gentle walks with colorful fall backdrops and picturesque mountains. Others, however were far more demanding and in places quite treacherous with sheer drop-offs of hundreds of feet.

Luckily I had prepared with good technical clothing and boots to help limit the effects of weather, altitude and terrain. Even with this though on some of the hikes the path seemed to almost disappear and merge into the rock and flora of the area, it was at these points the park rangers had done an excellent job by placing rocks balanced on top of one another to ensure the path could be found. Where the route was steepest, or the edge of the cliffs were the closest, I just used the old advice of don’t look down whilst placing one foot in front of the other.

It sprang to mind that this was like a test automation project; whilst I could have all the knowledge of how to make GoreTex or the latest quick-drying but warm clothing, I would rather rely on the experts who do this.

As with automation once all the technical aspects are done for me in a code-free solution I am able to just get on with the testing aspect of the project without worrying about the nooks and crannies or technicalities.

Once the technical hurdle has been overcome, the next fear I often hear is how long will this take. How much effort is required? What happens if it goes wrong?

I see Original’s implementation crew of experts as the ‘Park rangers’ laying out the rocks needed to successfully navigate the route they have been on many times before. This ensures that even in the more challenging stages, by moving one step at a time, or as we sometimes say, crawl, walk, run, the project comes to a successful conclusion. Before our customers know it, they are looking down the canyon with an exhilarating view from the top; the effort to get there is forgotten as they bask in the warm glow of success.

If you are looking for the right gear, why not talk to a friendly park ranger and see how they you along the path to successful project delivery

Jonathan Pearson is a Customer Success Manager and park ranger at Original Software.

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