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1 min read

by George Wilson on 2nd April 2019

IBM i Data Validation – like Having Super Hero X-Ray Vision.

Test Data solved in four steps 1. Extract, 2. Scramble, 3. Verify, 4. Roll-back

So far we’ve talked about – 1. Extracting & Subsetting, and 2. Scrambling or Obfuscation to create good secure test data.  But what do you do when it comes to testing the data itself?


Often IBM i applications are substantially made up of batch or headless processes, handling millions of transactions reliably and invisibly through a complex set of steps and interfaces.  Even if there is a user interface to work with, you cannot be sure that this accurately reflects the data inside the files, data areas, or that being transmitted in Data Queues or via MQ.  But this is where data accuracy is really important, where if small errors go undetected, they can quickly accumulate and become big problems.


 TestBench for IBM i’s Data Validation module is a unique toolset that enables you to see and automatically validate everything that happens in the database (writes, updates, deletes) as well as see and check data in other technologies such as Data Queues and MQ.  The rule-based checks will reliably check each and every database effect to ensure no business rules are broken by a change. It is like having x-ray vision inside your complex application architecture.   It will even check reports for you.

This immensely powerful capability delivers quality from the inside, eliminating hard-to-detect errors that disrupt business and slow down delivery.

Imagine…. Risk-free promotions into production!

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