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1 min read

by George Wilson on 8th November 2021

Important message for Jira users

If you are a user of Atlassian Jira you will probably be aware that they are deprecating Persistent Refresh Tokens support in Oauth, the protocol used to access Atlassian applications.

If you use Oauth to access Jira, which will almost certainly be the case if your Jira instance is in the Jira Cloud, from December 1, 2021 Persistent Refresh Tokens in Oauth will no longer work and the protocol needs to be migrated to Rotating Refresh Tokens, which is a more secure method.

If you have taken advantage of Jira Integration in Qualify, this will affect the interface between the two products as Qualify uses Oauth to connect to your designed Jira Instance.

An update is available to download from Origsoft.com which can be applied to the Bertie 2 release (build 7063) or a later release; it uses the new Rotating Refresh Tokens method.

Please ensure if you are currently using Ouath to connect to Jira that you download the update and install it into a compatible Qualify release.  If you are on a release which pre-dates Bertie 2, you will need to upgrade to a later compatible release.

If you have any questions please contact support at either [email protected] or [email protected]

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