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Business Process Documentation

1 min read

by Colin Armitage on 19th January 2022

From Stravinsky to Yes – Business Process Capture

When Igor Stravinsky wrote the Firebird Suite for its first Parisian performance in 1910, he would never have imagined that 65 years later, Yes, the 1970s prog/rock band would use it to open every one of their shows. It’s a wonderful example of how people see a different application from what was intended originally.

While Original Software makes no claim for its musical compositions (we don’t have any), we do create excellent software. TestAssist has helped many companies across the globe transform their UAT and manual testing. However, several of those customers have used TestAssist beyond its original purpose. They realized it was an excellent way to capture and document their business processes for numerous reasons, including application user guides, training material, and a blueprint for a new application.

We were delighted to learn of this additional benefit we could deliver and have responded by extending the capabilities of TestAssist to enhance our abilities when capturing business processes.

Colin Armitage is the CEO of Original Software.


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