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Test Management

1 min read

by Tyler Dillon on 2nd October 2019

Want a successful software implementation and launch? Then don’t skip the pre-requisites

Don’t let the pre-requisites be the death of you.

When installing any form of software, typically a set of pre-requisites need to be in place for the installed software to run without issue. This is very important as it establishes some much- needed standards/ground rules and helps narrow down further decisions that will need to be made. If all pre-requisites are not set in place, the risk is errors occur and we fall headlong into a bottomless pit and endless cycle of diagnosing the issue(s) until we are blue in the face.

So, one word of advice, be sure to read the install guide to any software you install and that you meet all specifications classified for the machine you are using. Exciting, no but believe me, it will save a chunk of time and frustration in the long run.

At Original Software, we want to ensure each, and every customer have a successful implementation and launch whether greenfield installation, upgrade or patch. 

Happily, our solutions have a utility that will help determine the environment meets all pre-requisites to the software without issue and creates a pleasant seamless process. So, if you are looking for a faster, bug free software delivery process, why not check us out.

Tyler Dillon is a Technical Support Consultant  at Original Software.

Code free application quality management and software testing solutions for both IT and business users.

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