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Regression testing

1 min read

by Jonathan Pearson on 25th November 2019

Ten Factors for a Successful Regression Test. Conclusions.

What you just can’t do without.

Regression testing is a central component in ensuring software quality. Done correctly the software delivered will be more reliable, and robust, increasing in quality more so after every release. Applying the ten key factors above will ensure that your software delivery will be as bug-free as possible every time.

Just make sure when you set things up:

  • Your process allows you to identify all changes including in the UI, not just the expected ones.
  • You can quickly and easily baseline scripts to keep pace with the rate of change-you don’t want to resort to writing elaborate code here. If your solution doesn’t support this it can often fall into disuse.
  • Output documents and reports are user-friendly and will make sense to both IT and business users alike.

At Original Software, our approach to regression testing takes into account over 25 years of experience in solving the issues and using the key tenants above.

We are proud of our genuinely code-free automation, manual testing assistants,  patented UI identification and baselining self-healing scripts. All of these allow us to offer the only true, out-of-the-box automation regression testing solution on the market today.

Like to talk about how it can apply to your business? Get in touch; we would love to hear from you.

This is an extract from a whitepaper titled “Top Ten Factors for a Successful Regression Test”, which takes you through the key factors that will ensure the best outcome – if all is as it should be and no defects have found their way through – then you have conducted a successful regression test.

Jonathan Pearson is a Customer Success Manager at Original Software.

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