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Complete automated testing 4x faster and better than ever before.

Test anything, see everything, code nothing

Test automation is all about making the job of software testing faster and easier for the humans involved. TestDrive does that – and then some. With TestDrive in your corner, creating new automated test scripts can be done without a single line of code – whatever you’re testing.

You can test any process, in any application, even if your application has changed since the last test. And because TestDrive automatically tells you about every single change in an application, you can finally achieve full regression testing with minimal effort.

One place to capture/manage/automate all of your testing. All of your testing, one platform. Find out more

What can you do with TestDrive?

Test Automation

Coupled with our management tools, TestDrive is the powerhouse behind any test automation effort.

Learn more

User acceptance testing

A lot of what people consider UAT is actually regression testing. You can automate that regression testing with TestDrive so your users can focus on what’s really important for them to test.

Learn more

Test anything

It’s simple. If you have it, TestDrive can test it.

  • Any application…

    You’ll never have to worry about introducing new applications, or about testing those finnicky legacy applications, again. TestDrive will test them all, no problem

  • … on all major browser…

    Newer software editions and vendors are increasingly switching to browser-based interfaces. TestDrive can test applications in all major browsers, so you can embrace the future with a smile.

  • … even processes with multiple applications

    Processes rarely stay within one application, TestDrive can group test scripts together so you can create multi-app tests with ease.

See everything

With TestDrive, you can be confident that you’re seeing 100% of the issues with your software.

  • Full regression testing

    There’s no need to tell TestDrive what to look for. It shows you ALL the changes in your application – even ones you might not have expected or noticed.

  • Incredible detail

    Testing isn’t all about functionality. Test Drive can spot issues with imagery, text (even spellings!) and system performance, so you have a complete picture of how your software is behaving.

  • Visual results

    Automatically annotated screenshots make it as easy to understand your test results as it is to create the tests themselves (did we mention that’s super-easy?)

Code nothing

The most code-free test automation solution on the market.

  • Anyone can build a test

    It’s so easy, even your non-technical users can create tests.

  • Create new tests from old

    Any test you’ve previously run can be turned into a baseline for a new test, allowing you to update your library with ease.

  • Unbreakable scripts

    TestDrive self-heals when it encounters differences between its script and your software. And if it really can’t, you can add in new steps mid-test to resolve the issue.

Featured solutions

Solutions that use TestDrive

What can you do with TestDrive?

  • Test Automation

    Coupled with our management tools, TestDrive is the powerhouse behind any test automation effort.

  • User acceptance testing

    A lot of what people consider UAT is actually regression testing. You can automate that with TestDrive so your users can focus on what’s really important for them to test.

Anatomy of a (testing) superhero

OK, that’s not quite true – you’re the testing superhero. TestDrive is more like your sidekick. Here’s how it does what it does.

Code free… really

Some solutions give you a pretty script editor but still write code underneath, that you need to handle to do some of the fancier things in test automation. Not TestDrive. You can build and run scripts of any complexity without a single line of code.

Patented A.I. Object recognition and simplification

TestDrive can look at any application and know what components are important automatically. You can understand what’s important on each page simply, with no clutter.

Goodbye, test maintenance

Because of how TestDrive analyses applications, it automatically adapts to changes in your applications. If it really can’t figure out what to do next, you can add new steps to the automation mid-test, without needing to start the whole test again. Test maintenance is almost a thing of the past.

Automatic Synchronization

Sometimes in a test you need to wait for the application to respond right. TestDrive does this automatically, every time. You will NEVER get a synchronization error. Even on a single page web app.

Browser-agnostic testing

TestDrive can test applications in all major browsers. Cross-browser testing just got a whole lot easier.

Full regression testing

Because TestDrive automatically shows you all changes in an application, you don’t need to base tests on assertions – meaning you catch more issues and deliver better software.

Checking rules

Alongside the specific aim of a test, TestDrive can check content, links, spelling, and hardware performance, giving you better test coverage.

Easy data input

Upload test data from spreadsheets quickly and easily. TestDrive can even update this data as a test progresses if needed so you can be sure that everything is working as it should.

Separating the powers

TestDrive is the only test automation software that separates the test process from the information about how to navigate an application. That means that if the application changes significantly and the navigation instructions have to be replaced, the test process still survives.

Modular playlists

TestDrive can group different automated tests together so you can test multiple applications and application types together. Perfect for end-to-end processes.

We’re executing about 650 different test scripts in regression testing using TestDrive, which is of enormous value to the business…your product is first class.

Phil Court Head of Technology Delivery, Marston’s Plc

TestDrive resources and support

Come and learn more about TestDrive

Ready to talk testing?

We’re ready to show you how we can help reduce your business risk and test faster than ever.

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