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Test Automation

1 min read

by Adrian Rogers on 30th July 2019

Does your software testing solution bowl you over?

Test Cricket* fans like myself are eagerly awaiting the inaugural edition of the ICC World Championship about to start in a matter of days.

It had me thinking good Test Match cricket is much like quality software testing.

The players who take to the pitch are the visual manifestation and embodiment of elite sportsmen.  However, there is a lot more to the high skills on display, other than what you can see.  The obtaining of ultimate success requires taking an individual, in an embryonic form who has some level of ability and honing it through great planning and training exercises so that eventually they become a world class player. It is same with quality testing. Starting with a blank page you gain the pre-eminent levels of success which are needed; by being able to plan efficiently a project (whatever that may entail).  From conception to completion, making, iterative changes as required, but with as little effort (and therefore cost) as possible. When a cricket player hits a ball for 6, or a fielder catches a great bowled ball, it is the culmination of all the preparatory work previously undertaken.

This is what Original Software offers – ease of use throughout its word class solutions. Allowing you to create the optimal testing plans and tests which meets the needs of you and your organization. These are tailored by you and for you but are backed up with excellent behind the scenes support; much like the coaches, physios and trainers of a cricketer. So, take a look and be prepared to be bowled over by what you see!

 *Those less familiar with the intricacies of this sport, whose foundations date back to the 16th century, and where googly, silly mid-off and bowling a maiden over, are in common parlance, may find comfort in  Robin Williams’s description of the game.

“Cricket is basically baseball on Valium.”

Adrian Rogers is a cricket fan and QA specialist at Original Software.

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